Sunday, August 7, 2011


This school year is quickly approaching. 16 more days to be exact and we will be proud parents of a big kindergartener! I believe this summer is flying by, I guess it has something to do with Bethany. With them two it can make a day just fly by. I still can’t help but wonder what this school year is going to hold for us.
I didn’t post much during his Pre-K year of school, but we had a lot going on! From thinking surgery was near, to buying our new home, to getting pregnant (finally), then going to Houston to meet the surgeon and shake the hands that would one day hold our son’s heart, to thinking surgery would be in March, to my mom getting diagnosed with breast cancer, to having taking Kaden out of school so we could keep him healthy until surgery just to having to re-enroll him back into school a few days later because surgery would be put off…again, to enjoying his first t-ball season, then finally ending it with the birth of our precious baby girl.

I can’t wait to see what is in store, but then again wondering what it would lead us to. I usually don’t do any post like these, mainly because I feel like Kaden’s heart condition isn’t near as bad as most out there. Although last school year we were slapped in the face with reality and soon discovered his condition could very easily change…in a hurry.

So that’s the main reason I set around at times wondering what our future will hold with our precious baby boy. It doesn’t even seem he has a “silly ole heart”. I would like to think our little boy is heart healthy, and most of time it seems that way. I would like to think he would NEVER need his little chest opened. I would like to think he could live a healthy long life without worrying about his heart. I hope as Stephanie put it in her post, that some little girl will look at him as him and not some one with a heart problem. I can’t help but think how Bethany’s life is going to be affected because of his heart condition, hopefully if any all for the good.

I never really worried about Kaden’s heart from the first time surgery was put off to be honest. It hit me HARD when I first found out and the few months after the fact, but I knew I wasn’t in control of it, as bad as I wanted to be. I knew I couldn’t fix his heart. I knew I couldn’t trade places with him. But I also knew the only man who could fix it. It was then I turned it all over to our Great Physician and I never really had a problem with it from then on, until last school year when it was coming all to real and I was wondering if I should tell Kaden about it or not. With Kaden getting older it makes it harder.

On his last cardio appointment (we took Bethany for a check up and she just had a little hole (asd) in her heart but they all are born that way and most of them close so nothing we should worry about, Thank God), his cardiologist called me ahead of time asking me if I could talk with a heart parent when we came in for his appointment that her little girl (7 yrs) would be there around the same time and asked if she could give them my info. I said sure, of course. A few days later I receive a call from that mother and come to find out she has TGA and already has had 4 heart surgeries. Wondering why his cardiologist wanted me to talk to her, we went ahead talking about our wonderful precious children that were born with special hearts. Come to find out at the appointment his cardiologist wanted her to talk to me since I had such a big support group. I told Dr.Pearse about me having different heart parents on Facebook and Carepages and she told me this mother wanted another mom to talk to and figured I could tell her about finding the other heart moms. But I said all of this to say this. While Bethany was having her echo done and we were waiting on that to get finished up Kaden’s cardiologist asked me to come talk to her and meet her. It was hard comparing her little girl with Kaden. Here she was already had FOUR heart surgeries and Kaden still didn’t have one. Then her little girl wanted to ask their cardiologist something, but was too shy to ask. So her mom tried telling Dr. Pearse but started tearing up. But she finally got out what her daughter wanted to know…”She’s wondering why she had to have 4 heart surgeries”…then her mom went into one of the rooms and started crying. I went to comfort her as best as I could. She was saying it’s just getting so hard because she is starting to notice she is different, and that she has a scar and other children don’t. Then I asked if she had attended any heart groups that I know one is in Ft. Worth. But she said no. Her little girl and Kaden was just messing around with Dr. Pearse (love that she is so kid oriented), wishing I could help her little girl feel better by saying Kaden has a special heart too, but him not having “the scar” I didn’t know if it was the right thing to say. Her mom was going to keep contact with me, but I haven’t heard from her since. I’m thinking about calling Dr. Pearse to get her phone number to call her.

It’s times like those, I feel like Kaden is “normal”. But it leaves me thinking what Kaden will think if and when he ever has his heart surgery. Kaden LOVES going to his heart doctor now. He actually looks forward to it, but I don’t think he realizes his heart is any different. Yeah he know he has to take medicine for his heart, but I don’t think he knows anything is wrong with it. I would like to think there isn’t anything wrong with it to, but I know there is. I know his heart is doing good, but I wonder how long it will last. We take him back every 4-6 months. Every 6 months at the moment. I now I just cringe at the thought of every appointment, because of the unknown. We know at any appointment it could change. We are due to take him in December and I’m praying we get good results. I like the fact his “heart is liking the Enalapril” (heart med he’s on). But I wondering how long it will like it. Ever since Kaden has been diagnosed with Aortic Stenosis with bicuspid valve (now he has aortic vavle regurgitation) I’ve learned to live this life from day to day.

I guess all this came from because I know another school year is coming up. It’s another teacher I will have to let know about his “silly ole heart” and the symptoms we look out for just in case something arises. But then again it’s another teacher that will be amazed how he can live with a heart defect and you can’t even tell. Another teacher that will be charmed by his cuteness he seems to put on when not around his momma or daddy. Lol. Another teacher that will grow to love him for him.

He does make me one proud momma when it comes to his schooling. Last year he got student of the month out of about 60 kids. He actually listens at school (lol he just chooses not to at home) and loves it once he gets back in the groove. The thing he can’t wait for is learning to read. I’ve tried to work with him this summer but with his attention span here at home along with me having to take care of little sister too makes it hard. I can’t wait to see what he learns this year. Although he can be a handful at times around momma and daddy, he seems to be a little shy angel at school. Lol.

So on August 18th, we will be taking him to meet the teacher night. Then on August 23rd we will officially be proud parents of a kindergartener! It’s seems unreal that he is already starting kindergarten, but ready to see what he learns this year. Hopefully he won't get sick near as much as this last year. He had both type A and type B flu, strep (twice), along with 3 cardiologist appointments he had miss school for...totaling to 18 of missed days becasue he couldn't go back until he was fever free for 24 hours. :/
Prayerfully we won’t have any surprises along the way, but if we do…Everything happens for a reason. : -)

Here are some pictures from his Pre-K year.

Kaden's first day of Pre-K!

Setting with his classmates for the first time..

Kaden being shy..

Momma's big boy!

Chistmas party

Chowing down on snacks
Better picture of them...oh and this was one of the days he was running 103 temp.
But couldn't miss this!

They spelt his name wrong but we got it replaced just didn't
have a picture on the computer of it yet,
It has a glare, but this was for the month of January. 
Kaden being reconized by Mrs. Flint for the Pre-K
Student of the month...He was being shy. lol.

Doing the Hokey Pokey Dance

Waiting in line for the limbo...

Tug of war at field day...
Thanks for reading my rambling. I wanted to do another post but couldn’t get this off my mind and had the baby down for a nap…finally…so I took advantage of it. Take care and May God bless you all!

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